Penfold Theatre Presents
The Theatre Guild on the Air
September 5 – October 3, 2021
At the Neill-Cochran House Museum
With readings of Macbeth, This Side of Paradise and Vanity Fair.
From 1945 to 1963, listeners across the nation tuned in to Theatre Guild on the Air. Created by the Theatre Guild, which produced 220 plays on Broadway, Theatre Guild on the Air broadcast radio retellings of classic and contemporary plays, bringing the Great White Way to Main Street, USA.
Now, Penfold Theatre is hosting a series of live readings, free-of-charge, from the Theatre Guild on the Air Collection at the Harry Ransom Center of the University of Texas. Performed in the live radio show format by local actors and a foley sound artist, audiences will hear the original Broadway broadcasts given new life.
After each hour-long reading, Penfold’s artistic directors will host a discussion between the audience and artists. All this takes place inside Austin’s historic Neill-Cochran House Museum, originally an iconic mansion house built in the mid-19th century.
Macbeth was directed by Marcus McQuirter and featured Nadine Mozon, Yunina Barbour Payne, Chelsea Manasseri, Robin Beltran and Danielle Kaigler.
This Side of Paradise was directed by Carl Gonzales and featured Michael Galvan, Cherry Mendoza, Eva McQuade, Adrian Villegas and Minerva Villa.
Vanity Fair was directed by Rosalind Faires and featured Claire Grasso, Valoneecia Tolbert, Nadine Mozon, Kate Taylor and Indigo Rael.

Neill-Cochran House Museum
2310 San Gabriel Street
Austin, TX 78705
See map
Parking: In the rear parking lot or on the curb of 23rd Street.
Great Plays in Great Places Series
The Great Plays in Great Places Series features stories that are inspired by, in conversation with or performed in unique places across the region.
The Neill-Cochran House, a beautiful representation of Greek architecture in the heart of Austin, is the city’s 10th oldest historic site, dating back to 1856. Once a state school for the blind, a federal hospital and a private residence, the Neill-Cochran House is now a historically furnished museum that hosts numerous rotating art and history exhibitions. Penfold Theatre is excited to introduce its patrons to this iconic Austin treasure – the perfect backdrop for a collection of unearthed broadcast history.